Supports everyday good health and beauty
Tea’s medicinal effects, noted in a sixth-century Chinese medical book
「苦茶は寒で、毒無し。五臓の邪気を払い、下痢、渇熱(熱による口の渇き、中疾(胃腸病)、悪そう(出来物)などを治す。久しく服すれば、心を安じ、気を益し、頭を良くし、眠りを少なくし、身を軽くし、老いを能くし、老化を抑える。」 「神農本草経集注」(陶 弘景 著)
(Wikipedia-en: “Shennong Ben Cao Jing”)
(Translated to modern language)
“Bitter tea cools heat, revitalizes the workings of internal organs, aids thirst from diarrhea or fever, and promotes healing of gastrointestinal disorders, acne, and so forth. Continuous drinking calms the heart and improves the mood, aids concentration, banishes sleepiness, revitalizes, and helps delay aging.”
Tea’s place as a universal medicine springs forth from this page describing its capabilities, from a Chinese medical manual written in the sixth century. Later, tea came to Japan with Buddhism, and integrated into Japanese culture. Over the course of a long history it developed a unique culture of its own. And then, in recent years, green tea’s health effects have been confirmed by many research studies, first in Japan and then around the world.

Main health effects: Lifestyle illnesses Obesity, cancer, skin, other
Antibacterial (food poisoning bacteria, pathologic bacteria), Improvement in intestinal flora, Anti-arteriosclerotic, Inhibits platelet aggregation, Maintains vascular epithelium, Cholesterol in the blood, Controls high triglycerides, Controls excessive fat in blood, Controls high, extraction, Prevents diabetes, Works to prevent obesity, Works to maintain liver function, Anti-mutagen, Works to resist cancer, Works to maintain DNA, Works to improve immune function, Eliminates odors, works to fight depression, Works against viruses, Works to control high blood pressure, Prevents high blood pressure and strokes, Relaxing effects, Works against inflammation and allergies, Works to benefit brain and autonomic nervous system, Works to improve concentration

The world’s researchers have proved the wide-ranging health and beauty benefits of green tea
World’s research into medicinal effects |
Green Tea Benefits: How The Drink Improves Your Health – Huffington Post(10/20)
Green tea and the skin:Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology,Volume 52, Issue 6, June 2005, Pages 1049–1059
Wellness ResourcesThe Effects of Green Tea on Weight Management.
Tè verde elisir per il cervello
Due tazze al giorno aiuterebbero a prevenire da Parkinson e Alzheimer. L’indicazione da una ricerca giapponese
— Pubblicazione sull’American Journal of Clinical Nutrition /Corriere della sera 2006 febbraio 27
Il tè verde abbassa la glicemia?
Un estratto di tè verde può contribuire a ridurre il rischio di sviluppare il diabete in pazienti con la glicemia al limite– Corriere della sera 30 ottobre 2008
La rivista scientifica Lancet pubblica una serie di dati positivi
Le buone virtù anti-tumorali del tè verde – Corriere della sera 27 Settembre 2004
Cute, meno rischi per i bevitori di tè verde
Sarebbero i polifenoli presenti nella bevanda a mitigare i danni di un’esposizione eccessiva al sole, legata a certe forme di carcinoma.
— Dati riportati dal Journal of the American Academy of Dermatology
— Corriere della sera 23 maggio 2007
Salute: Usa tè verde segreto vecchiaia senza invalidità – salute e benessere 0206 2012